[Retail] Managing 2,000 Pharmacy Franchise via JANDI
JANDI, Change Work : ONNURI H&C
“All the unnecessary work and meetings are gone.”
ㅣFirst and Largest Pharmacy Franchise in Korea, Onnuri H&C
Onnuri H&C started with Onnuri Pharmacy Chain in 1991 and is currently in its 30th year. In 2015, they changed their name to Onnuri H&C (Health and Communication) and expanded their field to a variety of healthcare businesses along with pharmacy chains. Currently, Onnuri H&C has about 2,080 pharmacies nationwide with more than 300 of its own products (PB) such as ‘Glucome’ as a part of its health care business.
ㅣ Realize Smart Work
The pharmacy industry, as a whole, has a conservative and vertical culture. However, Onnuri H&C is trying to innovate its organizational culture in many ways to keep up with changing times and make smart work become a reality.
1. Smart Office
Onnuri H&C has introduced smart offices to create an environment where teams can interact with each other beyond their workspace. The most important feature of smart offices is the free seat assignment system and a smart lounge. Instead of focusing only on individual tasks as usual in regular offices, horizontal exchanging of tasks has become possible, creating a working culture where people could interact and collaborate.
< Smart Office at Onnuri H&C >
2. JANDI, New Collaboration Tool
We also thought that innovation was necessary for software as well as hardware. This is the reason we started to use JANDI. We created topics for each task and do everything on JANDI, from communication between departments to in-house data sharing. Scattered business channels such as e-mails, approvals, messengers and phone calls, have been unified into a single JANDI system, enabling efficient and systematic business operations.
< Onnuri H&C’s JANDI topic list >
3. Value Committee
We have created a ‘Value Committee’ with young employees as core members, and we are planning various in-house events such as chicken parties and baseball park picnics. With the company supporting the project budget-wise and staffs’ leadership, the company has been feeling younger and more dynamic.
< Employees enjoying in-house events in the Smart Lounge >
ㅣ JANDI, Change Working Culture
When we were preparing to use a collaboration tool, we were most concerned about the ‘communication process’. We faced two challenges: ‘Communication between internal organizations’, and ‘Communication with more than 2,000 franchises across the country’. We have thought of several collaborative tools, but we decided to implement JANDI, a messenger-based collaborative tool because we thought it could solve the internal and external communication problems that ONNURI H&C was mostly worried about.
JANDI has not only changed working systems
but has also brought positive changes to working culture.
- In-house business culture has changed in a more horizontal way.
Previously, business processes were vertical where business ordering, reporting, and approving were done in only one way. But on JANDI, chat rooms are open to everyone. Everyone has the right to speak. Thus, a culture where everyone can speak freely regardless of position has been formed, and executives have also been able to communicate more freely with employees.
- Employees got to know each other’s work better.
Before using JANDI, employees had no chance to get to know anything more than business other than what they were directly involved in. However, using JANDI, every task is open to everyone via topics. The topics make it possible for employees to see what other departments are doing and what they need. Therefore, employees have become more interested in the company as a whole and have also been able to avoid the inefficiency of tasks being overlapped.
l How to settle JANDI
Not every employee welcomed JANDI from the beginning. Those who haven’t been using messengers felt unfamiliar with the collaborative tool itself, and those who were familiar with the traditional approval system felt uncomfortable about the missing ‘authorize’ feature. Apparently, there were some negative opinions about using collaborative tools, such as ‘being tiresome’ and ‘feeling as if we are monitored’.
Also, the originally existing personal messengers used to be relatively free to chat, since they were mainly chat rooms for employees actually working on the task. However, with the introduction of JANDI throughout the company, executives also participated in topics. In many cases, the conversation became uncomfortable, which made sharing tasks difficult. The reason for this may have been employees’ burden to show results in the existence of superior employees.
The purpose of using JANDI is to share work processes,
not to monitor or evaluate employees.
We continuously persuaded employees and emphasized to them about the purpose of implementing JANDI. Also, we asked executives to reduce unnecessary comments and encourage employees instead. We are trying to create a socially equal working environment through JANDI by coordinating between executives and working employees. It has not 100% become reality yet, but it is changing little by little. Now, employees are working more freely and efficiently through JANDI, and the working atmosphere overall has become much smoother.
l Before & After using JANDI
Mail/Approval System to JANDI
Previously, every business was done with in-house electronic approval systems and e-mails. We used to handle only the tasks that were delivered separately by one-way directed business instructions and vertical reporting systems. However, as the company grew in size, the number of franchises we managed increased to more than 2,000. Naturally, the number of employees has increased, and many departments were derived. Communication costs were too high for creating a single pharmacy.
Since JANDI is a collaborative tool that enables multiple people to communicate simultaneously, we have been able to solve all of these problems. The culture of sharing tasks, not unilateral business instructions formed in a top-down manner, has been formed, and we have become able to communicate more efficiently with our merchants and outside suppliers.
Replace Personal Messengers to JANDI
Since there are no real-time communication channels for in-house approval systems and e-mails, we used personal messengers such as Kakaotalk or NateOn (famous personal messengers in Korea). However, there were many difficulties to work with personal messengers.
- No Systematic Management: Personal messengers are just channels for quick communication. Systematic business management is not possible because it enables only simple chatting.
- No Integrated Search: It is hard to find previous conversations or files that have been posted. Since personal messengers do not provide the ‘integrated search’ function, people have to remember the chat room where you shared each file, which is nearly impossible.
- No Separation between Work and Life: Business chat rooms and personal chat rooms are mixed, making it difficult and confusing to find business contents. Employees were also stressed out by the possibility of work notices coming after work or on weekends.
JANDI is a collaborative tool for work only. So people can work more efficiently as well as separating work and privacy. In particular, it is very convenient since employees can use the ‘integrated search’ feature, making it unnecessary to memorize typical chat rooms. Also, searching via filtering such as participated in chat rooms, uploaded members, period, and document format, etc. is also possible.
Reduce Phone Calls and Meetings
Business communication has not been made real-time because personal messengers are neither official channels nor have management regulations. Therefore, in the end, employees would call each other and ask for meetings even with simple decisions. Moreover, it also took a long time to prepare and notify the meetings, since it had to be delivered individually to the participants.
However, after using JANDI, all unnecessary phone calls and meetings have vanished. This is because by using JANDI, employees can communicate in real-time as phone calls and make decisions as fast as holding meetings. Even during real meetings, employees can mention(tag) other people on JANDI chat rooms to notify schedules and locations, reducing unnecessary work. Furthermore, we are currently in the process of testing to take advantage of video calls within JANDI’s enterprise plan.
l Explore ONNURI H&C’s Topics
This topic conveys company-wide announcements. It is a default topic, and when employees join the JANDI team, they are automatically joined in this topic. In addition to all the company-wide announcements, all announcements according to business and departments are also communicated in each topic. The use of the ‘Mention’ feature reduces unnecessary work such as sending messages to each and every individual or calling each employee.
Authorization System
We have replaced all the existing in-house approval systems with JANDI. Using a board view in the form of a bulletin board, one post becomes an approval issue and we tag staff in charge of authorization. Employees in charge share the authorization results using comments, and things become easier by using business emoticons provided by JANDI.
Materials Library
Programs and standard document materials are made into topics and managed. There is no need for individuals to keep business materials because they are already on the topic. The ‘File Preview’ feature makes it easy to access data from outside. This makes things easier for employees who frequently work outside of the office.
Value Committee
The operation of the Value Committee also takes place on JANDI. JANDI notifies not only in-house cultural events but also provides information regarding reservations for training centers and accommodations provided as company benefits.
l External Communication, also on JANDI
From this point on, we are also planning to carry out the management of franchisees, including notification deliveries, pharmacy management consulting, guidance on new products, product orders, etc. on JANDI. Of course, we have our own computing system, but over the past year using JANDI, it has been proven that messenger-based collaborative tools are more attractive and effective.
Currently, we are operating a pilot program for only a few franchise owners (pharmacists), but we are planning to invite all 2,000 franchise owners nationwide associates in the next few years. The number of associates will increase to 300-400 as we communicate with our outside partners via JANDI.
– Invite associates without limitations! Learn more about enterprise plans
Pharmacy Consulting
Pharmacies counseling goes through inside the JANDI topic. Originally, consultations used to be held through phone calls. If one needed to talk about display and payment systems, the pharmacist would talk to each representative in the company on a one-to-one basis. Apparently, it took a lot of time, and contents weren’t shared between representatives. Now, pharmacists and representatives of each field can communicate simultaneously within one topic, enabling faster consultation.
Work with Partners
When opening a new pharmacy, we work with a variety of outside partners, including interior and signage companies. At this point, we invite the company staff to join us and communicate on JANDI. They are also happy to communicate more systematically and efficiently than the traditional ways of phone calls or personal messengers.
l Integrate 3rd party services
Google Calendar
Google Calendar has been integrated into the planning team’s topic. Every morning, JANDI automatically notifies you to the schedule registered in Google Calendars, getting rid of missed schedules and tasks.
The Store Support Headquarters (Sales Headquarters) records the details of sales activities on Trello. You can receive real-time updates on JANDI by connecting site-specific topics with Trello.
RSS News Subscription
Integrate RSS feeds to receive industry news on JANDI. You can automatically get the latest news without having to search or clipping it yourself.
l Manage Organization Chart
Use organizational charts on JANDI to systematically manage departments, team information, and employee information. Using the mobile application makes it convenient to contact people directly via JANDI without having to save their contacts.
l We Recommend JANDI!
“We recommend JANDI for companies managing franchises.”
Managing multiple branch offices simultaneously with personal messengers or phone calls can be time-consuming and costly. However, on JANDI, we can communicate more effectively because we can talk to our head office staff and franchises at the same time within the topics organized according to tasks and branches.